Aquarium Plants for Guppies and Endlers
Livebearer fish like Endlers and Guppies benefit from fast-growing plants with fine leaves to provide shelter for the fry, and for their water polishing attributes. This curated collection of premium aquatic plants will provide everything you need to create a beautiful and safe environment for healthy happy fish.
Fast-growing plants will strip fish-waste nutrients from the water, supporting a balanced eco-system for both your Guppies and plants.
When looking to buy Guppies, it’s important to prepare an environment in which your Endler and Fancy Guppies will flourish. This collection offers a variety of options to enhance your fish tank and create a vibrant, healthy Guppy aquarium.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some great plants for Guppies and Endlers?
Guppies and Endlers thrive with these plants:
- Java Moss: Great for Guppies to hide and graze.
- Anubias Nana: Provides shade and resting areas.
- Wisteria Bunch: Intricate lace foliage your Guppies can hide amongst.
- Lace Fern Bunch: Creates an oxygenated healthy environment.
2. Why do Guppies and Endlers need live plants?
Live plants:
- Mimic natural habitats, reducing stress.
- Guppies are livebearers and give birth to tiny fish that need shelter and food.
- Aquatic plants offer hiding spots, especially for fry.
- Help maintain water quality by absorbing nitrates and fish waste.
- Provide surfaces for biofilm, an additional food source for fry.
3. Are live plants Guppy safe?
Absolutely! Live plants are excellent for Guppies. They offer shelter for adult fish and fry and intricate surfaces for healthy micro-organisms to grow, providing natural food for baby fish and guppies.
4. How do live plants improve water quality for Guppies and Endlers?
Live plants:
- Absorb harmful nitrates.
- Increase oxygen levels.
- Stabilize pH by reducing CO2 in the water.
- Create a balanced and natural ecosystem.
5. Do Guppies and Endlers need a planted tank?
Planted tanks significantly improve the health and happiness of Guppies and Endlers. Plants like Guppy grass, Anubias and Java Ferns provide shelter and grazing spots. We do not recommend having a Guppy aquarium without plants.
6. What lighting is best for plants in a Guppy tank?
Pisces LED Aquarium lights are a full spectrum light ideal for plant growth, and to bring out the beautiful colours in Fancy Guppies and Endlers.
7. How do I plant live plants in a Guppy or Endler tank?
- Use a substrate like aquarium gravel for rooted plants like Amazon Swords, Crypts, and bunch plants including Ambulia, Wisteria and Water Sprite.
- Aquarium Glue is ideal to attach rhizome plants like Anubias, Bolbitus and Java Fern to driftwood or rocks.
- Let floating plants like Floating Moss Creations or Duckweed float and drift naturally.
8. Are Guppies and Endlers compatible with moss balls?
Yes, Fontinalis or Riccia Moss Balls are an excellent addition! They:
- Provide grazing spots for Guppies.
- Help absorb nitrates and improve water clarity.
- Double as décor for a natural-looking tank.
9. How do I maintain live plants in a Guppy tank?
- Perform regular water changes to maintain water quality.
- Trim and replant the tops of bunch plants as they grow.
- Use ENRICH fertiliser for nutrient support.
- Clean algae from leaves and tank surfaces gently.
- Mystery or Ramshorn Snails are ideal for cleaning the plants and substrate.
10. Can I grow plants without CO2 in a Guppy tank?
Yes, many plants grow very well without carbon dioxide boosters. Bunch plants, Microsorum (Java Fern), Fontinalis (Java Moss) & Anubias grow well without added CO2. They are hardy, low-maintenance options suitable for beginners.
11. Do Guppies and Endlers eat live plants?
Guppies and Endler primarily graze on algae and biofilm. Most live plants remain unharmed.
12. Are driftwood and plants safe together in a Guppy tank?
Yes, driftwood paired with plants like Anubias nana or Java Fern creates a natural habitat. Driftwood also helps maintain a balanced pH in the water. We have many beautiful Driftwood Creations that combine plants with selected driftwood to create unique works of art that will make a striking addition to your Guppy aquarium.
13. What is the easiest plant for Guppy tanks?
Java Moss is one of the easiest plants for Guppy tanks. It requires minimal care, grows quickly, and provides excellent coverage for Endlers and Guppies.
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