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Community Aquarium - See the Plants in this Aquarium

Create a lush, vibrant environment in your community aquarium with our carefully curated selection of fish tank plants. Combining inspiring community aquarium ideas with some simple layering techniques creates a beautiful and safe habitat for your community aquarium fish to explore and hide in.

1. Start with a background of bunch plants. These will need some maintenance, like trimming, replanting and replacing if they start to look thin.

2 Add taller Swords and Tiger Lotus for highlights, nestled in front of the bunches. 

3. Add Crypts and Chain Swords towards the front.

Explore our range of live plants for fish tanks and find easy maintenance aquarium plants ideal for your setup. Perfect for planted community aquariums, these plants offer natural shelter while enhancing water quality.

Looking for the best community fish? Visit our companion store, The Fish Farm, for Australia’s best range of community aquarium fish.


Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Wisteria Bunch
Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Wisteria Bunch

Wisteria Bunch

$8.00 Bunch Plant Ambulia Bunch Bunch Plant Ambulia Bunch

Ambulia Bunch


Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Rotala Wallichii Bunch Rotala Wallichii Aquarium Plant Bunch
Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Rotala Wallichii Bunch

Rotala Wallichii Bunch


Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Mayaca Bunch Buy Live Mayaca Aquarium Plant Bunch Scapeshop Australia
Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Mayaca Bunch

Mayaca Bunch


Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Giant Ambulia Bunch
Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Giant Ambulia Bunch

Giant Ambulia Bunch


Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Filigree Milfoil Bunch Filigree Milfoil Aquarium Plant Bunchs
Pisces Enterprises Bunch Plant Filigree Milfoil Bunch

Filigree Milfoil Bunch


Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Ozelot Red 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Ozelot Red 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Red Flame 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Red Flame 5cm Pot

Echinodorus Red Flame 5cm Pot


Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Green Ozelot 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Green Ozelot 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Tiger Lotus Green Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Tiger Lotus Green Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Tiger Lotus Red Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Tiger Lotus Red Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Compact Bleheri 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Echinodorus Compact Bleheri 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Cryptocoryne Wendtii Tropica 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Cryptocoryne Wendtii Tropica 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 3cm Terracotta Pot Cryptocoryne Wendtii Broadleaf 3cm Terracotta Pot
Pisces Enterprises 3cm Terracotta Pot Cryptocoryne Wendtii Broadleaf 3cm Terracotta Pot

Cryptocoryne Wendtii Broadleaf 3cm Terracotta Pot


Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Echinodorus Grisebachii Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises Bare-root Plant Echinodorus Grisebachii Bare-root
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Cryptocoryne Willisii 5cm Pot
Pisces Enterprises 5cm Pot Cryptocoryne Willisii 5cm Pot

Cryptocoryne Willisii 5cm Pot


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best plants for a community aquarium?

Ideal plants for a community aquarium include:

  • Amazon Swords: A centerpiece plant that thrives in various tank conditions.
  • Tiger Lotus: Green and red varieties, makes an excellent tall centrepiece plant.
  • Cryptocoryne wendtii: Adds lush greenery and grows well in low light.

2. Why are live plants important for a community aquarium?

Live plants:

  • Create a natural and calming habitat for fish.
  • Absorb toxins like ammonia and nitrates, improving water quality.
  • Provide hiding spots and grazing surfaces for fish.
  • Help prevent algae growth by competing for nutrients.

3. Can I use artificial plants in a community aquarium?

Yes, artificial plants can be used alongside live plants to enhance the aquarium’s aesthetics. However, live plants like Wisteria and Anubias offer added benefits, such as improving water quality and mimicking natural habitats. This results in happier, healthier community aquarium fish.

4. What are the easiest plants to care for in a community aquarium?

For a community tank, easy-to-care-for plants include hardy options like Anubias, Ambulina, Cryptocorynes, and Echinodorus varieties. These plants are perfect for beginners, thriving in various water conditions with minimal maintenance.

5. How do live plants benefit fish in a community aquarium?

Live plants:

  • Reduce stress by providing natural hiding spots.
  • Offer a surface for biofilm, which some fish and shrimp feed on.
  • Create oxygen during the day, improving overall tank health.

6. How do I plant live plants in a community aquarium?

  • Use substrate for rooted plants like Amazon Swords and Cryptocoryne wendtii.
  • Netted pots can be planted directly into the substrate, while plants in terracotta pots sit on the substrate and can be easily moved around when refining and updating your planted community aquarium.

7. Do live plants require special lighting?

Most community aquarium plants thrive under low to medium lighting. For plants like Amazon Swords and Cryptocoryne, use lights with a spectrum between 6500K–7500K for optimal growth.

See our full range of premium LED Lighting.

8. Can live plants coexist with all community fish?

Yes, most live plants are compatible with community fish. Hardy plants like Anubias are unappealing for hungry fish.

9. How do I maintain live plants in a community aquarium?

  • Trim overgrown plants to prevent overcrowding.
  • Clean algae from leaves using a soft sponge or by introducing algae-eating fish.
  • Use liquid fertilizers or root tabs for nutrient support.
  • Perform regular water changes to keep plants healthy.

10. Do live plants prevent algae in a community aquarium?

Yes, live plants like Amazon Swords compete with algae for nutrients, reducing algae growth. Proper lighting and water changes also help control algae.

11. What substrate is best for a planted community aquarium?

Aquarium soil or fine gravel works well for rooted plants like Cryptocoryne wendtii and Amazon Swords. Ensure the substrate is nutrient-rich to support healthy plant growth.

12. How can I create a balanced community aquarium with plants?

  • Use a mix of tall plants like Amazon Swords and foreground plants like Cryptocoryne.
  • Monte Carlo is a great choice for an attractive, leafy foreground.
  • Add driftwood or rocks to anchor plants like Anubias. Alternatively, check out our range Driftwood Creations that combine plants and driftwood, resulting in beautiful, unique works of art that make a striking centrepiece to your community aquarium.
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